Bridging the Gap between Parents, Students and Teachers

Teacher Sitting at a School Desk Showing a Book to a Parent and Her Son

It’s no secret that parents (at least committed, engaged and caring parents) want to be involved in their children’s education.  In fact, some parents easily over step their bounds in order to try and be involved, and it’s leaves kids reeling in embarrassing “parental” moments that make them cringe and want to run away. 

What if there was a way to bridge the gap between parents, teachers, and students in such a way that it didn’t involve mom trying to kiss you in the hallway, or dad showing up to school and cracking some embarrassing dad jokes? Stay tuned; we may readily have that option available. 

Image result for teenagers cheering

When parents are involved with their kid’s education, the kid does better in school.  It’s a fact.  If we can get parents to take an interest in their kids education and get involved with school life, it’s known that the kid will perform better over all and be more successful long-term. Kids just do better when their parents are as committed and engaged to their scholastic education as they are. 

Over the years effective communication between the parents and the school has been lacking.  After all, if a parent can’t get good, consistent communication from the school then they won’t be able to be better engaged.  If the school can create an effective partnership with the families and somehow connect school and home life for kids, then they’ll get the sort of engagement, participation, attendance, and performance they are looking for.  If parents know what’s going on at school, know what the performance is, what’s going on in the community etc., they are going to be able to better help and direct their children in their course of learning.  They create a strong position not only for themselves, but also the child. 

Cue Vclassrooming

Parents need information, and Vclassrooming has tools to provide the school an easy and effective way to send communication, and an easy and effective way for parents to get the information and communicate back.  We know if we give parents a voice and make it perfectly clear that their child is a valued individual and not just some number on a roster; that we can create an amazing and engaging environment for these kids to excel.  We bridge the gap and give both the families and the schools a safe and technologically advanced platform to communicate and share information.  It’s not just for grades and homework assignments though.  Our platform also is a place where milestones, successes and met goals can be recognized and rewarded.  We know that even the smallest victories need to be acknowledged and that’s why we built our robust system to be able to track all of the different variables and goals that need to be tracked.  We don’t only want to be in communication with parents when things go wrong, we want to be in communication with parents to reflect all of the things that are going right.

If there is a gap, challenge or small setback with a child, these can easily and quickly be communicated for early intervention.  We know that half of the battle is acknowledging what’s going on and where there is an issue.  The goal is to create a safe, loving and effective partnership between the school, the parents and the child to give every child a supportive and loving team that’s going to help them through the rough patches. It gets everyone on the same page and same plan of action so that what’s being enforced at school can also be forced at home and vice versa.  The worst thing we can do is to give kids inconsistent and contradictory messages or plans of actions.

It’s also a place to communicate what’s going on so your kid doesn’t show up to school on spirit day not dressed up and feeling left out.  Another example is that your kid shows up to school with the right amount of school lunch money because it was communicated that lunch prices had changed.  Perhaps they avoid getting on the wrong bus afterschool to come home because it was communicated that bus routes had changed.  Stay in the know and keep your child safe, aware and not feeling embarrassed because they didn’t get the “memo” about something. 

Why Technology Rocks!

Back in the old school days of yesteryear when the parents were in school and had to get there using covered wagons while walking up hill, both ways in the snow with no shoes- (yeah, thanks mom, we know, we know, childhood for you was hard.  *Insert eye roll here).  The main form of communication was the occasional note sent home with the student.  How often did that note even reach the parents?  If it did, how well did it really communicate the intended message?  How often did they really send any type of communication home at all?  Yeah- it was just not effective.

Now with the use of technology, all of this information and communication is available in the palm of our hands or computers at any given time.  Before it was almost impossible to form any sort of meaningful relationship or partnership with the school.  With the new technological advancements of programs and tools like the ones offered at, now having an ongoing, engaged, meaningful and helpful relationship with the school is a total breeze.  This is an effective, simple and incredibly powerful channel of communication.  It’s also phenomenal for those situations where parents live apart, or have co-parenting duties.  Before the communication between the co-parents was strained at best.  Now we don’t need to rely on the co-parents to communicate with each other.  Everyone involved can have the same information available to him or her at any given time.  It’s in the best interest of the children and has worked miracles to help children who may come from broken or untraditional homes.

What the future looks like

It’s a no-brainer.  Schools and parents alike NEED these communication tools.  We have to remember that it’s the children who benefit the most.  When parents and schools are on the same page and engaged in the benefit and welfare of the child, the kids learn better, perform better and see their confidence and self-esteem flourish. 
